You are not likely to get a plethora of choices for a readymade pool. Yet, the options that you get might land you with another question – which might suit your needs perfectly? Well, the answer is just within the question. There is nothing called the perfect choice. It all boils down to your unique needs. Each of the popular choices has its own merits and demerits. But one good news is that while the choices might be limited, you always have the opportunity to customise your pools in the way you visualise.

Here’s a briefing on the choices that readymade pools manufacturers might present you with.

Gunite or Concrete Pools

Pool concrete, also known as gunite, comes with a mix of sand and concrete. When you want to try some unconventionally shaped or designed swimming pools, then this is going to be a super choice. It is also helpful in building swimming pools of just about any size. On the other hand, installing such pools can be expensive. On the basis of your location and the type of soil locally present, these pools can also develop cracks on them.

Consequently, you might need to repair it and resurface the pools every 3-5 years. They might also take some extra time for installation. It can take about four months to complete the project. Moreover, these pools, owing to the porous surfaces, tend to absorb a lot of chemicals and provide a breeding ground for algae. No wonder that maintaining these pools can be expensive. And finally, such pools do not essentially add to the resale value of your property. So, even though these pools offer ample opportunity for customisation, it makes sense to think of its possible drawbacks before deciding on it.

Vinyl Pools

Having swimming pools with vinyl liners has become a popular choice. These pools come with stretchable plastic lines that spread across the structure of the pool. An economical option to their concrete counterparts, these pools also allow homeowners to experiment with shapes and sizes. One of the best things about these pools is perhaps the fact that certain pool designers, such as Atlantis Pools, offer limited warranty on many of the products that they offer. However, this is right where you need to be extra careful.

There are many pool designers who back their products with strictly conditional and limited warranty. So, make sure that you review the clauses carefully before agreeing to the terms. Also, these pools are likely to get easily damaged by sharp tree branches, pets and the like. And though installing these pools seems to be the most economical option, it allows you the chance to add various features like steps, tanning beds and much more. The more features you add, the more expensive its installation is going to be. However, well-installed and well-maintained vinyl pools can last as much as a decade!

Fiberglass Pools

When looking for a flexible yet lightweight and durable option, your readymade pools manufacturer is most likely to recommend fibreglass products. They also require minimal maintenance, which makes it an ideal choice for your tiny backyard pool. However, the catch is that these pools tend to heat up faster than their other peers and even tend to retain the heat longer. So, if you are residing in a relatively warm place, then you might need to think twice before choosing it.

There is no fool proof formula to choose the perfect pool material. However, the neighbouring pool designers, who are serious about their business, can offer some very practical suggestions to make the most of your preferences and budget.